Most of us are familiar with the fashion trend of “Athleisure” – you know, going from the yoga studio to the food store without skipping a beat, or changing your outfit, and looking adorable while doing o?! But how cozy do you feel with the recently shared, 2021 style trend known as AthFlow?
A little background…WFH allowed many of us to throw business casual right out the window and dress as we pleased: comfortably. Whether only dressing from the waist up for Zoom or sometimes even exercising your right to lounge in your pj’s until sundown for thee non-Zoom days simply because you could, the formality of office wear has left the building, at least in 2020. And while we are optimistic that WFH will turn into ‘going into the office’ sooner than later, the one thing this year is taking from last is the noted fashion shift: comfortable clothing is expected to have prioritized space in our wardrobe for 2021, and based on consumer behavior via searches, purchases, etc. in 2020, the term AthFlow is predicted to be everywhere this year. In short: analytics have shown that the searches of 2020 tell us exactly one thing according to Pinterest: “what they want are ultra-wearable looks that can be dressed up or down; looks that are for swooning or Zooming.”
AthFlow Defined:
Okay, so, what exactly is AthFlow?
AthFlow is where comfort meets oversized, non-form restricting and loose fitting, flow-y form bliss. It’s those cherished wardrobe staples that we all yearn for when we have had one too many servings at Thanksgiving, feel bloated beyond repair or just want to be comfortable without judgement. And now, thanks to AthFlow, we can all wear these items of sacred clothing 24/7… and stylishly at that. In fact, this ideal state of fashion sense is now socially acceptable and has even been deemed appropriate for the office/work place, touching on both hypothetical scenarios whether in person at said workplace or for the interim Zoom space. In other words, if you have been slightly fearful that you may not fit into your work wardrobe due to COVID-50 weight gain, fear not: AthFlow is here. AthFlow is the outfit you’d wear for a Zoom, when you need to look professional but are determined to remain comfortable and nobody can see you from the waist down. Oh yes, you aren’t dreaming. We are talking oversized sweaters, rompers, purposely large blazers, cardigans that swaddle you like a newborn and elastic waist leggings that are forever forgiving… basically, anything that is not form fitting and is eternally forgiving on every and all body type. Just think of the ease at which you can now transition from sitting behind the computer screen while dialing into endless conference calls all day to the couch hugging, Netflix surfing routine bliss of the night: completely seamlessly, no pun intended.
More specifically, Pinterest defines Athflow as “professional enough for the ‘office,’ stretchy enough for the yoga mat, and comfy enough for the couch.” This does sound a lot like Athleisure itself but the difference that separates these two style trends, however, is how the category could inform the way we turn up to the workplace or more business-like settings. “We expect this to continue as there is likely to be a permanent shift to working more often from home and, undeniably, our mindset has changed around loungewear which is now being incorporated as an everyday outfit outside of that working-from-home vibe,” Gramston explains. Designers have taken cues and are embracing this hybrid aesthetic of laid-back-business attire by developing casual wear collections.
Check out our AthFlow inspo!