The new kid on the block is the latest popularity contest and is what I refer to as the Mighty Mask (trademarked by GG, kidding.)
Face masks are the latest (required) accessory that we luckily can use to our advantage when it comes to style (and to being totally undercover for any and most facial cosmetic peels and treatments, but more on that later.) And, when done properly, face masks can actually say everything about you. Well, maybe not everything, but they do actually shine light on your overall style, and approach to it as well as your daily efforts to incorporate a government mandated ‘look’ into your everyday vibe. And hey, why not have some fun with this and be a little tongue in cheek dramatic when we have so little to be dramatic about!?! 😉
Instead of being clicqué by wardrobe, there is a whole new popularity contest going on and it’s dictator is the mighty mask. Personally, I love it. Aside from my destroying the interior of every single mask of my own, duh plural, the added expression of style, covering of my mood and of my expression has been extraordinarily appreciated and fun!
Sidenote: The damage of the interior or masks is something most can likely relate to as a result of repetitive forgetting that I refuse to put effort into remembering because I cannot accept it as a permemnent change: that of lip gloss now needing to be extinct from my cosmetic case and regime before exiting the car. Anyway, TMI (too much info.)
Here is what my assess(ment) of the whole sitch on masks and people has been thus far:
People Who Wear…
Anything But An Actual Mask:
Typically seen at Walmart or places of the sort this has been a head scratcher. I try to steer clear of the people in hazmat suits and those using props instead of cloth for coverage: while I personally find it wildly amusing I have a feeling they really don’t at all and in fact their seirouaness is why I keep my distance… more than just socially. Like get a mask. You can get a mask for $1 at McDonald’s for the love of G*d. (Eyeroll)
The Paper Mask.
#Covid? We don’t get along. Just give me the damn mask. (Major eyeroll)
The Gas Station Face Mask.
I hate this sh*t and still can’t get used to it. The days of popping into the nearest gas station to replace the ongoing left behind Ray Bans with tossable $10 throw-away-sunnies have now been replaced with an endless collection of hideously patterned, polyester facrmasks, that have holes in the fabric, rather than elastic attached, to secure them onto your face. FML. (Pissed eyeroll)
The White or Natural Colored Plain Fabric Mask.
I obide by the law but I will not partake in the shananigans of making it stylish or a statement. (Blank stare)
The Monogrammed Mask.
If this sh*t is here to stay, I am going to look good while rocking it. (Eyelash batting, giddy)
The Multiple Masks.
I love this new accsssory and am running with it! (Kissy face, selfie pose, batting lashes and blowing a kiss.)
if you need to know where to buy stylish local face masks, you can find our list of local spots with pics and deets to boot, here!