Homemade Rhubarb & Ginger Gin Cocktail
- What You Need & How Much Of Everything:
- 340 g rhubarb stalks ((as pink as you can find, trim the ends and leaves and discard))
- 140 g white caster sugar
- 270 ml gin
- 2 slices fresh ginger
Steps To Make This Unbelievable Amazing BevvyCut the rhubarb into 2 – 3cm lengths.
Place all the ingredients into a Kilner or similar jar, seal and gently swirl.
Place in a dark cupboard, giving a gentle shake everyday until the sugar is dissolved. Taste to test for sweetness and add a little more sugar as needed.
Leave for 2-3 weeks (no more than 4) – when ready most of the colour will be lost from the rhubarb.
Strain through a coffee filter, nut milk or jelly bag into clean sterilized bottles.
Wrap the rhubarb into a clean tea towel and give a really good squeeze to extract all of the gin.
*this can also be just as refreshing sans booze for those who prefer to not have alcohol!