Obviously, my personal favorite(s) when it comes to the top floatation choices for #summer2020 post #COVID are these.
le duh.
When you can take daddy’s red sports car, and his golf cart, mommy’s angel wings, and her yacht (along with doggy’s sidekick yacht to match),plus mini GG’s pet pink flamingo, and the family’s GVI and throw them ALL into the Olympic sized pool?!
I would say that when it comes to ABSOLUTELY WINNING in the pool floatation arena, that ALL of these options 100% classifie as the #1 winners. WIN-NERS.
At least when it comes to floating GG style! [wink, wink]
Whether you like to keep to yourself or prefer to make a noteworthy statement, Funboy (the float product company) has a little bit of something for anyone who wants to simply make a splash, albeit Instagrammable, at the pool this summer.
*floating disco balls for the pool can be purchased here
Angel Wings, because, we all need a pair, don’t we?