If you are like 98% of the rest of the population one of the hardest things to do when it comes to dieting is giving up the sauce, and I don’t mean marinara. But for those who want to throw a few back after work and venture outside the guidelines of no sugar, no fat, no carbs, no taste, no gluten there is an easy and instant gratification diet avail: the meatball and pinot gris diet. While obviously this is not Dr recommended trust me when I say it gets the job done. Meatballs have barely any carbs and wine well it can tend to kill an appetite and fill you up. The best news of all? If you are local you can indulge in divine meatballs AND pinot for a whopping $4 per glass/tapa at Barcelona during their daily happy hour Mon-Fri from 4pm-7pm. So if you are dying to squeeze into your skinny’s without breaking the bank pop in Barcelona and give the Meatball & Pinot diet a whirl, you will not be disappointed.