If you haven’t experienced The Figure Method, you are missing out on what is hands down the best barre class in town. The instructors have an incredible amount of experience, the atmosphere is gorgeous, the clients look, well, amazing! And the best part is that the exercises change every day. When you’re here, you can feel the passion each instructor has for the Method. Suddenly, you discover you have an inner ballerina, and she’s ready to plié all the way to an incredible physique.
Added Plus: They sell the chicest activewear around. Stop in for a whole new look for fall!
New Classes Added: 7:00p.m. Every Monday & Wednesday
*Free Class 7pm Monday & Wednesday of next week only!*
Go Figure Barre Studios
Nantucket Ballet
Follow us! Instagram: GoFigureBarreStudios//GoFigureACK
Twitter: GoFigureACK