—————————– Born in 1937, the life work of Jean Duquoc is influenced by the landscape of his beloved home in Brittany, France. In a long and celebrated career this artist has distinguished his work by bold and saturated canvases –…
Special Exhibition at Cavalier Galleries!
Cavalier Galleries announces the opening of a special exhibition in our Greenwich gallery for the Holiday season, offering an unparelleled selection of American realism, post-war abstraction, contemporary sculpture and photography, and historic maritime paintings. This exhibition will include such renowned artists…
New Exhibit at Kenise Barnes Fine Art: YOLANDA SÁNCHEZ – A VERDANT HEART
KENISE BARNES FINE ART 1947 PALMER AVENUE LARCHMONT, NEW YORK 10538 www.kbfa.com Press Release New exhibition: September 16 – October 28, 2017 Reception: Saturday evening, September 16, 6:30 – 8:00, Public Invited Gallery hours: Tuesday – Saturday 10:00 – 5:30…