With a not-so-secret sweet tooth it is no surprise that I LOVE SHIRLEY TEMPLES. Yup, I do. nope, I am not five. When the night is long and you start to feel a little tired, nothing, and I mean NOTHING, pops you right back into mingle mode like a fast sip of a Shirley’s sweet syrup deliciousness. But what is not so delicious about these little dangerous beverages is the sugar, carb and cal count. Introducing: The Greenwich Girl drink aka GG’s Shirley. At the refusal to corrupt sweet Shirley I will not call this a Dirty Shirley but basically, it is a club soda, a splash of grenadine and multiple cherry’s, and a generous pour of vodka, preferably Cylinder. It tastes exactly like a Shirley and has just enough sugar to keep you going through the night! Plus, it even looks festive! Feeling like you could use one now? Head down to l’escale and ask Michael behind the bar to make you a GG – he will make you THE BEST cocktail you have ever had and this tempting promise comes with a guaranteed (close to) 0 cal, 0 carb promise to boot!