My sentiments exactly!! As local shops and outdoor resty’s officially opened yesterday I was over the moon with the excitement of seeing everyone again yet also a tad anxious to see how it all would unfold. Would people be out? Would store owners feel positive?
Well. To say that I was SO happily overwhelmed, and in many ways, is a terrific understatement: I was amazed not just at the overflow of local support, which was stunning, but at the immediate return-to-norm vibe that radiated throughout our town, threaded with the familiar, heartwarming buzz and bustle of busy’ness once again, filled the air and the streets with a warm and embracing encouragement. The sincere, hopeful and optimistic energy of every single person who took the time to #supportlocalwas truly remarkable making for a historical and memorable comeback for all. Thanks to the carefully selected protocols for this first day of re-opening that @fred_camillo_ct @govnedlamont have so amazingly provided, our store and resty owners thrived and were reassured while the consumers felt safe, encouraged and supported. Via the restaurant reservations alone, that were (and continue to be) booked, we are stronger than ever as a town and our ❤️love for it shined through and united all on a day that many were unsure about, esp given the abundance of fear we have all been confronted with as of late. But even more than the extra love that brought each and every one of us closer, the effort that each of the shops, resty’s and establishments went to in order to ensure that they too are not only aware, but respectful, of the seriousness of #COVID prevention while also honoring their business, the town, the people and all authority was showcased in the utmost of tasteful ways.
BRAVA to ALL store and resty owners!! You did an amazing job and WHAT.A.COMEBACK.! This is just the beginning to things being better than ever. Yesterday was so very heartwarming and seeing everything (and everyone!!!👱♀️) opening again was a beautiful reminder of exactly why I do, and forever will, call this place home. ❤️ #greenwich #local #supportlocal #greenwichgirl
Below are some pics on how some local spots have adjusted to the first phase of re-open:
Photo is of the outdoor space at Tony’s at the Jhouse

Photo below is of OGSC

Photo below is of Le Fat Poodle