Just shy of two years into owning my first Chanel handbag I managed to make it look like a vintage piece, and not in a cool way. The Chanel caviar leather shopping tote is a classic, well Chanel anything is a classic I should day, and always will be. But especially when it comes to keeping a handbag looking as such, and in honoring the Chanel legacy, comes the resposibility of taking care of it along the way. And if you are anything like me, toting your Chanel all over creation (pun intended) doesn’t mean your Chanel has to actually look like you do. But how does one clean/ restore/ take care of a Chanel handbag? Before I go on let me preface this with one piece of advice; this is NOT a DIY GG’s. Sure, you can tidy your handbag here and there, be mindful of what you put in it, ie: do not use your Chanel as a Mary Poppins throw-for-all, but do not attempt polishing/ vaccuming/stitching, etc. It will not turn out pretty. That said, there are a few magical places that specialize in luxury handbag restoration and luckily for us we have one right here beside us: meet Jeeves New York, Luxury Dry Cleaners Extraordinaires. Yes, I added that last bit in but with good reason: Jeeves is so much more than just dry cleaning. They are a world class, white glove service, state of the art production offering an array of services that cater to every need imaginable-check out the list. And they have multiple locations worldwide, making for super convenient upkeep while jetsetting. Not only that but Jeeves takes the initiative to bring your bag back to life and delivers a gift back to you upon completion. As I mentioned, I quite literally did just about everything one is not supposed to do with a Chanel handbag, resulting in a broken strap (Mary Poppins syndrome) and a broken interior povket zipper (over stuffing syndrome) and yet, I was provided with a miraculous immaculate handbag. Check out the video to see the before and after details.
Follow jeeves_ny on TikTok and Instagram for garment care and stain removal tips & tricks. They take you behind the scenes to help you keep your clothes amazing.