By Dina Lockridge Vetri
What a month! You will be on fire as the fire sign you are by being dynamic as ever in both your personal life and your career. Do you know that saying–jack-of-all-trades but master of none. Oui? Well, that doesn’t apply to you these thirty days. Charisma and success abound in array of your capabilities and talents.
It seems you’ve reached a crossroads dear Bull. You cannot vacillate any longer. You’ve had profound revelations and months of truths arise. The question now is what are you going to do with it? Should you stay or should you go? That can pertain to a lover or a lifestyle. Dig those heels in deep and remember to listen with your heart but decide with your mind. You’ve got your posse to catch you if you fall.
Your theme song this month: Luck Be a Lady Tonight. You’re feeling receptive and in the mood to honor the great energy surrounding you. You want to get dolled up, hit the town and dance the night away. Do it. Every spontaneous, outlandish arousal—go for it. This month is a great teacher for you as to how to lessen your mood swings in favor of action and enjoyment.
This month asks you to slooooow down. Get still. Meditate on why you’re so lethargic, uninspired, and unenergetic. After you have a heart to heart with yourself and the answers arise (and they will) get going in that direction—uplifting, renewal, and rejuvenation. Book a spa day, take a trek and move through the energetic molasses you’ve been necessarily navigating.
There is some serious planet love enveloping you this month, dear Leo. You are the magnet to which some of your greatest dreams will be realized. Maybe not exactly in the form you asked for but close enough to where you can taste sweet success. And go, literally taste it. Get a bottle of Cristal and take a step into the lifestyle you want to embody and feel how familiar it feels.
Oh Virgo, it is time to make that decision you were wishing you wouldn’t have to. Chances are it’s linked to your career or a particular client. Let it go. Nothing to fear but fear itself. Cut your losses and trust me when you do, the universe will reward you with something deserving for the courage it took, but hurry they’re waiting.
This will be one of those months workwise where you’ll be wishing you were anywhere but where you are. Breathe. I said BREATHE. Call your bestie, or your lover and let them take your mind off the inevitable obstacles the stars are revealing. Mantra: This too shall pass.
Parts of this month makes your family feel on par with any of the Housewives Reality shows–drama, discord, and irrational overreactions. Healthy denial is needed to get through which you will do and when you do it, all will seem like a strange dream. Good thing you have new or renewed lover coming your way. Focus on THAT.
Past few months have you reflective and in that time you sifted and sorted through the array of diverse feelings that surfaced. The truth has settled in your heart and it’s time to voice your decisions. You are calmer, more alive, more certain of most things in your life than ever before. A new you is emerging—enjoy the unfolding.
Your family is going to be driving you mad, but instead of that, just get driving in your favorite wheels and get out of town. Find that adventure you’ve been longing to, you may run into a past lover or if you’ve been dating, finally found someone of substance. Just let it all flow man…enjoy the journey.
You’ve been (understandably) a bit cocooned dear Water Bearer. You’ve been pensively observing the world around you according to your heart’s longings and have made some clear decisions on how to proceed. New beginnings, new friendships and fresh starts are headed your way. Begin and bow to the empowerment you’ve been fostering.
This is a feel good month, a time of fluidity and ease. You’re like the surfer who just caught that epic wave and you’re so focused on navigating your graceful ebb and flow that you forgot you had an audience. They ARE watching and two people in particular are quite impressed—one personally, one professionally. Happy Birthday—lovely gifts await!
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