See What Our Clients Have to Say…
“The AL|GN TM Program has been a great benefit for me. It has greatly improved my posture and core strength. Thanks for introducing this program, and I highly recommend it!”
– Seth R Miller, MD
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“The AL|GN TM program developed by ace trainer Dominic Novak founder of Peak 360 in Greenwich, CT. is an absolute necessity for any strength and conditioning program at any level. The benefits far exceeded my expectations for developing a sense of body awareness and posture, prior to every exercise movement. This program enables you to actually lift more in a safe and effective way with less concern for injury. As a coach at the High school and Collegiate levels, I will always take the time to introduce the Align TM program concepts to my athletes. This simple yet effective regime of specific moves along with coaching clues performed in a clear and concise manner will not only bring about gains in strength, flexibility and endurance but an overall well being that goes far beyond any gains achieved in the gym.” – Patrick Mediate MS., CSCS
NSCA CT State Director
Strength Coach, Greenwich H.S.
Our 1 Month Boot Camp Consists Of:
– 20 Personal Training Sessions –
– 3 Nutrition Consultations –
– 1 Massage –
Calling All Athletes!

We take a dedicated and unique approach to our personalized Sport and Youth Specific Training
– Work to condition and improve agility, stability, speed, power (plyometrics), strength, and balance to take our client’s game to the next level. No matter what the sport!
– We provide our personal training services to clients as young as seven years old to promote lifelong physical activity and the importance of a healthy, well balanced lifestyle.
Take the first step towards the best body of your life.
Contact us today to find out more about how we can help you get to where you, and your body, want to be.
67 Holly Hill Lane, Greenwich, CT
Telephone: 203.625.9595
Email: [email protected]
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#InvestInYou #IntelligentFitness